Thursday, October 22, 2009



Dittenbergerstraße to Paracelsusstraße
-wall with brick lodged outwards, able to be steped on to view cemtary behind wall
-visited abandoned complex (seen in 17.10.09)

Paracelsusstraße down path towards Steffensstraße
-both directions, same street

through small park to Herwegstraße to Rembrandtstraße
-living complexes

Rembrandtstraße to Albrecht-Durer-Straße to Albert-Schweitzer-Straße
-walk through path, across street, and up ramp. turn around because it's a train platform, head in different direction

enter Unterer Galgenbergweg
-city park

footpath through Unterer Galgenbergweg
-walk mostly high way around park, exit near where i entered

foothpath to Fleishmannstraße

Fleishmannstraße to Reilstraße
-zoo, visit later

Reilstraße to Trothaer Straße to Seebener Straße to Motzlicher Straße
-bridge tunnel leading into residential neighborhood
-walk down dead end, sign pointing wrong way?

Motzlicher Straße Gottfried-Keller-Straße

Gottfried-Keller-Straße to Bergschenkenweg
-old facotry, visit sometime?
-small garden, plots/homes(?) across from graveyard

Bergschenkenweg to Leibnizstraße

Leibnizstraße to Dessauer Platz
-close to autobahn and on-ramps

Dessauer Platz to Paracelsusstraße to Dittenbergertraße

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